I did not know going into this movie how much I was in the mood to watch it. It had just been on my DVR for over a year, and I had the time. But I ended up laughing at the dumbest jokes, and was both relieved and surprised by how much my headspace was in the right place for it. This movie was hysterical from beginning to end! Sure, it had its grosser moments, but honestly, it didn’t bother me, I actually found the whole thing funny. Maybe I have been watching too many dramas lately, maybe I just genuinely enjoyed it for what it was and don’t need to make excuses, either way, it felt nice to return to my pure comedy roots. Adam Sandler and Andy Samberg made a great team and the supporting cast only added to the antics (in a good way). I think I laughed at almost line out of Will Forte’s mouth. Now, I haven’t seen enough Adam Sandler movies to know if this is on par, but I do know that this film definitely ingratiated him with me. I have officially added this movie to my list of DVD’s to buy and will be on the lookout for when I can watch it again and officially add it to my collection.
Mid/After Credits Scene: No
Runtime: 1 Hour 56 Minutes
Director: Sean Anders
Starring: Adam Sandler, Andy Samberg, Leighton Meester
Rating: ⅗